Can't download go mod from private repository with correct credentials

Posted on Aug 1, 2022

Today I tried to run a go mod tidy in my machine and suddendly failed:

❯ go mod tidy
    go:[email protected] requires[email protected]: reading at revision v0.1.6: git ls-remote -q origin in /Users/nrxr/code/pkg/mod/cache/vcs/efbaf026601e6db5d33d6c9020672ec8dd313d341c34f6b77702d1d831b3c925: exit status 128:
    	fatal: 'origin' does not appear to be a git repository
    	fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
    	Please make sure you have the correct access rights
    	and the repository exists.

Reading the error message would make you suppose it’s a credentials issue downloading from the private repository, yet, I could clone the repository without issues. I had access to xxx/xyz repo and my netrc has the right credentials there. go get would also fail miserably.

After doing some debugging I figured out it was “solved” by removing my $GOPATH/pkg and running go mod tidy again. Nothing else changed. So I guess after I updated my Go version to go1.18.5 earlier that day this stopped working, somehow.