Versioning Terraform modules without a registry, but Git

Let’s say your organization made the sane decision to keep re-usable Terraform modules in the same Git repository and now developers are expected to reference them. Yet, your organization is not expecting to use a Terraform registry, but instead, the expectation is to use the Git repository directly as the source, like: module "name" { source = "[email protected]/org/mods.git//mod-a" } With a repository structure like this: tree -L 1 . ├── mod-a ├── mod-b └── mod-c Shipping re-usable things in organizations can be troublesome.…
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Understanding enum implementation performance in Go

I’ve been writing enum implementations in Go in a certain way for a lot of time. It looks something like: type Day uint8 const ( Monday Day = iota Tuesday Wednesday ) var dayValues = []string{"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday"} func (d Day) String() string { return dayValues[d] } And if values were not continuous I would just use a map[string]Type like what I proposed a few days back in a grafana/k6 issue:…
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Started watching Foundation

It’s pretty weird watching Foundation. Because we already got our own Encyclopedia Galactica. It’s called Internet.…
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Taking back the internet

A few days back, I was speaking at a school to teenagers that want to get into the tech industry. During this talk, I got reminded about the idea I had for the Internet when I was their age. Certainly, back there, my idea for the Internet was not an engagement-trap, a doom-scrolling source eternal distraction out of silly purpose-void content. My idea was more an infinite collection of useful information to improve humanity’s knowledge.…
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Configuring Git and Go for private modules without netrc

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Can't download go mod from private repository with correct credentials

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People do not understand what capitalism means

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Mass surveillance via facial recognition comes to latinamerica

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